Animating Animals from Marissa Niamir on Vimeo.
Tuesday, 7 December 2010
Animating Animals
I think this was one of my favourite projects from first year. I prefer animating animals over people. Heres my pet owl and lion...
Timing and Mechanics
Project was to animated moving objects with an aerial to show movements of slow and fast motions, then of a flag in the wind and then finally of a whip.
Could have done much more to make it better but I do like my lil flag.
Painting & Film
Another project for my first year in animation. Had to create a movie but only by looking at a certain painting. We had to do this in Adobe Premiere to create camera movements and so on.
I found this nice painting by Leonid Afremov and I put some lovey dovey music over it.
Wednesday, 1 December 2010
Sound Sync
I had to create an animation to a piece of music. This was a group project and we were given 10 seconds of a 30 second audio clip. My sequence is at the end.
Thursday, 18 November 2010
Before I went to university, the only thing I specialised in art wise was painting. Most of these were done for my A Level and some done in my spare time. I actually miss painting now! From doing these I've found it much easier when doing work digitally
This was my first piece for the start of my A levels. It had to be a self portrait, this is mainly a picture describing my shyness.
I took the idea from my self portrait and used the idea of hiding your identity to link to my next paintings. This isn't an original. This is a copy of a painting by Jim Warren. His paintings are too good!

This portrait is about using camouflage to hide yourself aka Leopard Lady!
Painting that still links up to the previous too about hiding your identity. It's mainly about ripping off the mask and showing who you really are in a way.

After the painting of Helen Mirren I moved on to the same effect with the dabbing of the paintbrush to add texture to skin. I wanted the portrait to be slightly different, so I had the idea of these disjointed strips.
Van Gogh and Helen Mirren mix match!

Animal Rights brief! I was mainly looking at how animal's skin/fur are used for products, clothes etc. This one focuses on snakeskin.

Zebra lady!

Where's Wally?

More zebras!
Art & Music brief. I fool you all I don't play the violin!
Paolo Nutini and the magic piano that turns into pastels.
Stealing the hare's eyes as buttons for my knitted jacket.

Study sheet for my clay pot. The Claw!
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